Episode 37: Community Hub

The Community Hub building at Lammas ecoVillage is a natural building on a commercial scale.

Timber frame, strawbale insulation, turf roof, renewable power...the Community Hub building at Lammas is a meeting place for residents and an education space for visitors.

Lammas is a cooperative with several hundred members and several thousand supporters.We have created a pioneer ecovillage in Pembrokeshire (Tir y Gafel) and are keen to support the creation of further ecovillages.
We have been actively involved in lobbying for change in the planning system and have been influential in shaping both local policy (Policy 52, Pembrokeshire) and National Policy (One-Planet Development, TAN6, Wales).

Through our ecovillage development at Tir y Gafel we are endeavoring to demonstrate the success of low-impact development to create productive, viable, biodiverse eco-smallholdings that empower residents to live lightly on the earth in a manner which is rich, rewarding and resilient.